Best Pigeon Repellant For Your Home

Pigeons are cute birds as long as they do not infest roofs and ledges to such an extent that they cause damage to the building and their droppings become a health hazard. This article aims to provide some useful information with regard to the best pigeon repellants that are humane, effective and affordable.

Best Pigeon Repellants For Your Home

Before implementing pigeon repellents and pigeon removal, it is important to be aware of the local bird protection laws as harming specific bird species is illegal in some states.

Flash tape/Balloons

The flash tape banners and balloons printed with a face and big eyes can be made to wave and crinkle to frighten the birds. They can be mounted on masts and poles on rooftops or ledges where the infestation is high. They have to be changed often for the best results.

Bird Spikes

They can be installed on roofs and ledges to deter pigeons from perching on them. They can be placed on awnings and canopies as well.

Bird Slopes

Bird slopes discourage pigeons from landing on them. The panels made from PVC are slippery and prevent the pigeons from getting a grip. Soon they give up and fly away.

Bird Nets

The bird netting is used as a physical barrier and keeps the pigeons from flying in. These can be used to cover trees and crops as well.

Bird Gel

Bird gel can be placed on horizontal surfaces. Pigeons find it difficult to perch there for long due to its stickiness and fly away. The gel is usually applied with a caulking gun on parapet walls, pipes, ledges, parapets, etc.

Electric Tracks

The pigeons are shocked with a zap when they land on electric tracks. It is a mild and unpleasant jolt that discourages the pigeons from standing there any longer. Tracks can be placed on both flat as well as curved surfaces.

Spray Mists

A spray mist of methyl anthranilate (derived from grape extract and harmless to humans around) is released into the air. The pigeon is naturally averse to this chemical. If they fly through it once they do not prefer to fly through it for a second time. This helps to keep them away. The sprayer assembly is used in large–sized areas where there is pigeon infestation.

Ultrasonic Devices

These devices emit high-pitched noises that pigeons do not favor. High-volume blasting sounds scare pigeons away but also disturb people that are in the vicinity.

Wrapping up, the pigeon removal method that is to be implemented depends on the location and the extent of infestation.